
Short-term emulator

Emulator (Gaussian Process Regressor) of WRFChem.
GitHub repository


  • Merge shapefiles into a single multi-polygon (create_merged_shapefile.ipynb).

  • Crop emissions data to China shapefile training (emis_apply_mask_train.py) and test (emis_apply_mask_test.py) data.

  • Design of Latin hypercube designs (latin_hypercube.ipynb).

  • Output of Latin hypercube designs for training (latin_hypercube_inputs_training.csv) and test (latin_hypercube_inputs_test.csv) data.

  • Automatic machine learning tool (TPOT) using genetic programming to optimise model pipeline on 50 random grid cells (tpot_optimiser.py), with outputs in the tpot_gridcells folder (tpot_emulator_pipeline_PM2_5_DRY_*.py).

  • Configuration for TPOT based on Gaussian process regresor (config_regressor_gaussian.py).

  • Emulator cross-validation and sensitivity analysis (emulator.ipynb). Interactively computed on a HPC using Dask and Jupyter Lab following instructions here.

  • Emulator predictions for custom inputs (emulator_predictions.py). Submitted to HPC (emulator_predictions.bash) using Dask for workers viewing worker status on Jupyter Lab. Can submit in batch mode (emulator_predictions_batch.bash).

  • Regrid custom outputs to population grid of the world (regrid_to_popgrid.py). Submitted to HPC (regrid_to_popgrid.bash) using Dask for workers viewing worker status on Jupyter Lab. Can submit in batch mode (regrid_to_popgrid_batch.bash).

  • Crop population-weighted output predictions to region’s shapefile (popweighted_region.py). Submitted to HPC (popweighted_region.bash) using Dask for workers viewing worker status on Jupyter Lab. Uses cropping functions (cutshapefile.py).

  • Various emulator plots including emulator evaluation, sensitivity maps, prediction maps, and 2D contour pairs, (emulator_plots.ipynb).

Setup Python environment

  • Create a conda environment with the required libraries from the config file (.yml) in the repository:

conda env create --name pangeo --file=pangeo.yml  
pip install salib dask_labextension pyarrow  
jupyter labextension install dask-labextension  
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager  


This code is currently licensed under the GPLv3 License, free of charge for non-commercial use.

Long-term Emulator

Emulator (Gaussian Process Regressor) of WRFChem.
GitHub repository


  • For other scripts designing the emulator see other repository.

  • Concatenate simulator data for the year (concat_simulation_data.ipynb).

  • Verification plots of monthly simulation data (check_simulation_data.ipynb).

  • Create ozone seasonal metric from simulator runs (create_o3_metric.py). Submitted to HPC (create_o3_metric.bash) using Dask for workers viewing worker status on Jupyter Lab.

  • Create ozone seasonal metric for measurements (create_o3_metric_measurements.py and create_o3_metric_measurements.bash).

  • Create emulator input dictionaries (create_emulator_inputs_outputs_df_crop).

  • Emulator cross-validation and sensitivity analysis (emulator_creation.ipynb). Interactively computed on a HPC using Dask and Jupyter Lab following instructions here.

  • Emulator predictions for custom inputs (emulator_predictions.py). Submitted to HPC (emulator_predictions.bash) using Dask for workers viewing worker status on Jupyter Lab. Can submit in batch mode (emulator_predictions_batch.bash).

  • Regrid custom outputs to population grid of the world (regrid_to_popgrid.py). Submitted to HPC (regrid_to_popgrid.bash) using Dask for workers viewing worker status on Jupyter Lab. Can submit in batch mode (regrid_to_popgrid_batch.bash).

  • Crop population-weighted output predictions to region’s shapefile (popweighted_region.py). Submitted to HPC (popweighted_region.bash) using Dask for workers viewing worker status on Jupyter Lab. Uses cropping functions (cutshapefile.py).

  • Create shapefile clips for the each country, province, and prefecture used in the health impact assessment (create_shapefile_clips.ipynb).

  • Long-term health impact assessment per configuration (health_impacts_per_emission_configuration.py). Submitted to HPC (health_impacts_per_emission_configuration.bash) using Dask for workers viewing worker status on Jupyter Lab. Can submit in batch mode (health_impacts_per_emission_configuration.bash).

  • Bottom-up matching of emission configurations that match recent air quality trends (find_emissions_that_caused_air_quality_change.py and find_emissions_that_caused_air_quality_change.bash), splitting by region in (find_emissions_that_caused_air_quality_change.ipynb).

  • Various emulator plots including emulator evaluation, sensitivity maps, prediction maps, and 2D contour pairs, (emulator_plots.ipynb).

Setup Python environment

  • Create a conda environment with the required libraries from the config file (.yml) in the repository:

conda env create --name pangeo --file=pangeo_latest.yml  
pip install salib dask_labextension pyarrow  
jupyter labextension install dask-labextension  
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager